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Constanze Claudia Lorenz

Foto: Michael Lüders

"My color is like music"

Since my youth, I have been in artistic circles and surrounded by photographers, sculptors, and painters. That inspired me to see life with different eyes. From the beginning, art has guided me through time and the world.

My first medium was photography as tangible evidence of beauty and curiosity. I started painting in 2001. Where photography creates momentality, I extract through my painting impressions of time and truth… the splendor of places in their subtle variability.

With my pictures, I want to express the wonder and magic in this world. Color can create feelings and make the essence visible. I can compress and transform diverse information. With my color, I create compositions of color tones that have a positive influence on feelings. I want to inspire joy and creativity

For me, my painting is communication on a special level, another dimension, where color is like music. Constanze Claudia Lorenz


1996 first artistic works

1996 Assistant to John Wareburton, Professor of photography, Manchester

2005 - 2007 studied photography with Professor Sibylle Bergemann, Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, Berlin

2009 workshop with Annie Leibovitz, Berlin​

since 2001 freelance photographer and painter

2020 Künstler - sholarship, Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Kultur Land Brandenburg

2021 Künstler - sholarship, Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Kultur Land Brandenburg


Solo and Group exhibitions (selection):


2023 Shared Space - Verortung des Himmels, Art Lab Darmstadt


2023 VIER plus EINS, Gallery KUNSTGESCHOSS, Werder Havel


2022 Open Space, Kunsthaus Sans titre, Potsdam

2021 Big Hug, Open Air Gallery, Brandenburger Tor Potsdam


2020 WIR ERDEN EINS, Kulturkirche Nicodemus, Berlin, EA


2018 - 2019 Kunst & Kulinaria Schloss Kartzow, Potsdam EA

2016 – 2017 3. Bestandsaufnahme Werder, Galerie Kunstgeschoss, Werder

2016 La Pasión del Color, Sala de Exposicón Can Curt, Ibiza, EA

2016 Cada día mujer, Sala d exposiciones Can Jeroni, Ibiza

2015 The Travel, LTokyos Fine Art Gallery, Ibiza, EA


2014 Andere und Selbst, Cornelsen Verlagshaus, Berlin, EA




2013 NATURlich FotoGrafie, Galerie Kunst-Kontor, Potsdam


2013 BERLINER LISTE 2013, Künstlerpräsentation


2012 FAMILIEMENSCH 2012, Kunsthalle Köln


2011 „Geteilte Heimat“, Kölner Rathaus, Landtag Düsseldorf, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin


2009 - 2010 Storys, Galerie CCLO, Strausberg


2006 La Collection Prix 2006, QUF, Paris


2005 Expression by young photographers, Konica Minolta Plaza, Tokio 


2004 von mir aus - Positionen zur Stadt, Projektraum Alte Feuerwache, Berlin


2003 Nice to see you, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin


2002 Intimate Dialog II, Nové sdruzení prazských umělců, Prag



Link zu meiner Fotografenseite

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